Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is very important to Old Mates Water Pty Ltd Trading As Cooroibah Water Cartage (Cooroibah Water). We are committed to maintaining the security of all Personal Information provided to CW, whether by individuals with whom we do business, visitors to and users of our websites or otherwise. This Privacy Policy details how we collect, use and manage this Personal Information.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection and privacy laws:

  • Personal Information” is defined as information and data, whether recorded in a material form or not, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is processed by or on behalf of Cooroibah Water, whether or not by automated means; and
  • Cooroibah Water is considered the “data controller” in respect of the Personal Information that it collects, uses and manages in connection with this Privacy Policy.

Whose information do we collect?

Cooroibah Water collects Personal Information from a range of individuals in the context of its business activities, including:

  • representatives of our suppliers, customers, sponsors and business partners;
  • contractors;
  • landowners;
  • industry association representatives;
  • users of the Cooroibah Water website; and
  • job applicants.

What information we collect and why we collect it

We collect Personal Information from you where it is relevant for our purposes as further detailed below.

Business use

Cooroibah Water may collect a range of information in a business context, such as your name, gender, job title, photographic identification, email address, home address and other contact details, details of your business and other interests, experience and/or academic and professional qualifications, third party references, communications with you (including notes from meetings and telephone call recordings), feedback or survey responses that you provide to us, financial and payment information, and information collected from clearance questionnaires and/or interviews.

Cooroibah Water uses information collected from you for business-related purposes, including negotiating, concluding and performing contracts, managing business relationships, administering real estate leases and licences, recruitment, conducting clearance procedures, managing accounts and records, communicating with you and third party contacts, supporting corporate social responsibility activities, security, legal, regulatory and internal investigations and debt administration.

Our website

When you use our website, Cooroibah Water collects certain standard information that is sent by your browser to our website. This includes technical information, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, language, time zone setting, access times and any referring website addresses.

Cooroibah Water uses this information to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes. Cooroibah Water also collects certain information to provide users with a personalised experience when visiting our websites. Through the use of a ‘cookie’, Cooroibah Water can record information about your visit to our website including the clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), the pages visited, page interaction information and methods used to browse away from the page. This information is used anonymously and in aggregate, and is collected and logged for statistical purposes. Through analysis of these records, Cooroibah Water is able to provide an improved service when users revisit our websites. See below for further information on our use of cookies and related technologies.

Other than as stated in this Privacy Policy, no attempt is made to identify our website users or their browsing activities except:

  • where a law enforcement agency exercises a warrant to inspect logs or any such information is otherwise required to be produced by Cooroibah Water to authorities or regulators; or
  • where Cooroibah Water believes it is required to collect and produce relevant electronic documentation to fulfil its obligations to third parties, including statutory organisations under local law.

Access to other websites via hyperlink

Other websites that may be accessible via hyperlinks from the Cooroibah Water website are owned and operated by third parties and are not subject to the Cooroibah Water Privacy Policy. Cooroibah Water has no control over the content of those websites. Please review the privacy policy of each individual website you access and assess whether the policy is satisfactory to you before you use the other websites.

Cookies & Related Technologies

Our websites and mobile applications (“apps”) use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an app. Cookies collect information about users and their visit to the website or use of the app, such as their Internet protocol (IP) address, how they arrived at the website (for example, through a search engine or a link from another website) and how they navigate within the website or app. A cookie cannot read data from your hard disk or read cookie files created by other websites.

Cooroibah Water uses cookies and other technologies to facilitate your internet sessions and use of our apps, offer you services according to your preferred settings, track use of our websites and apps and to compile statistics about activities carried out on our web sites and/or through our apps.

You may set up your web browser to block cookies or remove cookies stored from your computer or mobile device. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use certain features and functions of our websites and apps.

Providing Personal Information

At times, Cooroibah Water may ask you to voluntarily supply Personal Information, such as your name, email address, location, telephone number and preferred means of communication, for purposes such as subscribing to Cooroibah Water news alerts or requesting further information from Cooroibah Water, including through the Contact us form available on our website.

Where we ask you to voluntarily supply Personal Information we will use it to provide you with the information or services that you have requested from us.

Sensitive Personal Information

Sensitive Personal Information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or medical conditions, genetic or biometric information, sexual orientation, or criminal convictions and offences may be processed by Cooroibah Water if such processing is necessary to comply with laws and regulations or where you provide this information voluntarily or otherwise consent for us to do so.

Email monitoring

Cooroibah Water may monitor emails sent to and from its workforce, which may contain Personal Information relating to third parties. The information contained in such emails may be used for business-related purposes, for example when investigating incidents within Cooroibah Water. Although Cooroibah Water endeavours not to review the contents of personal emails, there may be occasions on which this is necessary, for example, to investigate a breach of security within Cooroibah Water, or in the context of legal proceedings.

The legal basis for Cooroibah Water processing your Personal Information

In order to comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws, Cooroibah Water is required to set out the legal basis for the processing of your Personal Information. In accordance with the purposes for which we collect and use your Personal Information, as set out above, the legal basis for Cooroibah Water processing your Personal Information will typically be one of the following:

  • your consent;
  • the performance of a contract that we have in place with you or other individuals;
  • Cooroibah Water or our third parties’ legitimate business interests; or
  • compliance with our legal obligations.

Disclosure of the information we collect

Cooroibah Water may share your Personal Information with people within the company who need to know that information for business or legal reasons, for example, in order to carry out an administrative function such as processing an invoice, or to direct a query that you have submitted to the relevant department within Cooroibah Water.

We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties including the authorities, Cooroibah Water’s advisors, suppliers of IT services and third parties engaged by Cooroibah Water for the purpose of providing services requested by you; to protect any intellectual property rights in any materials displayed on or otherwise available from Cooroibah Water’s website; for the purposes of seeking legal or other professional advice; to respond to a legal request or comply with a legal obligation; and to enforce Cooroibah Water’s website Terms and Conditions of Use.

Transfer of your Personal Information to other countries

Please note that any person to whom Cooroibah Water may disclose your Personal Information under this Privacy Policy may be situated in a country other than your own and that such country may provide a lower level of data protection requirements than your own country. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you consent to the transfer of your Personal Information to a country other than your own.

Whenever we transfer Personal Information across borders, we take steps to put in place adequate safeguards to protect your Personal Information and to make sure it is treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you are located in the European Economic Area or the UK, you can request a copy of the safeguards which we have put in place to protect your Personal Information and privacy rights in these circumstances, using the Contact us form available on our website.

Access to Cooroibah Water’s e-Business websites

Access to certain Cooroibah Water e-Business websites or portals may be provided to Cooroibah Water’s customers, or suppliers in order to conduct e-commerce transactions or for supplier management purposes. Users of Cooroibah Water’s e-Business websites or portals may be required to register with the membership database by providing their e-mail address; their name, company name, office name; their business address, business phone; and a valid Cooroibah Water internal contact name.

Cooroibah Water will collect details in the membership database that are relevant to the use of the e-Business website. While Cooroibah Water will use the registration details for demographic analysis and to personalise your web experience, Cooroibah Water will not make membership details available to external parties.

Retention of Personal Information

Cooroibah Water’s aim is to keep your Personal Information for no longer than is necessary for regulatory or Cooroibah Water business reasons. The amount of time that records are kept for varies depending upon the type of Personal Information they contain.

Your rights in relation to your Personal Information

If you would like to access or obtain a copy (which may be in machine-readable form) of the Personal Information Cooroibah Water holds about you, please send a request to ‘General Enquiries’ on the Contact us form available on our website.

Cooroibah Water endeavours to ensure that the Personal Information it holds about you is complete, accurate and up to date. If you consider that your Personal Information is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date, you have the right to require us to correct it. In order to correct, erase or limit the processing of any of the Personal Information we hold about you, again please send a request via the form on our website.

If you have a live account with our job vacancy website, and we continue to process your Personal Information in connection with that account (see the section headed ‘Job vacancy website’ above for information regarding retention timeframes), you can at all times complete, update or otherwise rectify your Personal Information by logging into your account via the applicant login section of our website.

If you do not provide us with the information sought in the required fields we may be limited in our ability to provide you with services.

Complaints and Concerns

If you have a concern or complaint about how Cooroibah Water has used your Personal Information, as a first step, you should raise this in writing with Cooroibah Water, using the contact details available on our website or via the Contact Us form.

If you are not satisfied with the handling of your concern or complaint by Cooroibah Water, you can escalate this to your national Data Protection Authority.

Changes to this Privacy Policy and Contact

Any changes Cooroibah Water may make to this Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page.

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be submitted via the Contact Us form available on our website.

Who we are

References to Cooroibah Water in this Privacy Policy mean Old Mates Water Pty Ltd of 99 Silverwood Dr, Cooroibah QLD 4565, Australia.

Version 20240701.1